The Cherry Hill Field Trips - Click Here to close

Since beginning the Cherry Hill Field trips in October '05, this group has been busy giving Israeli dance demonstrations throughout New Jersey. This web site has attempted to keep track of these trips. On the Welcome page, the latest of the field trips are highlighted (At the moment, Dubin House and Lionsgate'10), and this location will give the reader a chance to see the other pages associated with these dancing presentations. So. the following is a table giving the date (or month) of the presentation, the location and the link associated with this.

November'06BrendenwoodCherry Hill Field Trips
Nov 19, 2007LionsgateCherry Hill Field Trips
May 17, 2008LionsgateCherry Hill Field Trips
Sept 7,2008GJC
Feb 8, 2009BrendenwoodBrend2009.htm
April 26, 2009HarrogateHarrogate.htm
October 25, 2009Brith SholomBrith Sholom.htm
February 21, 2010Lionsgatelionsgate 2010.htm
May 2, 2010Dubin Housedubinhouse.htm